Detailed Information

Intro: We’re starting a micro incubator. We provide cash, tech, admin, and we have a pool of ideas ready to go. Your job is traction.

We’re a highly profitable, two person development agency. We took 6 clients from idea to launched in our first year. Between us, we were founders at 6 of our own startups before that.

The theory is to take all those lessons and apply them to our own micro incubator. We’ve got a backlog of ideas ready to market test. We’ll provide the cash, technology, and administration. We’re hiring for traction.

In the early days, expect to make rent, expect to make bank when traction is going wild. Think joining a startup somewhere between cofounder and employee zero.

We don’t care if or where you went to school, what grades you got, or what work experience you have. If you’ve done traction stuff before, that’s obviously a bonus. Bottom line, we only care about your performance. There’s no manual for this stuff, you make it up as you go, you test, you iterate, you improve. We’ve designed the application process to try and test your ability. It’s obviously imperfect. You should feel absolutely free to tell us how we could do better, the more frankly and directly the better.

We absolutely do not care about hype, bullshit, or otherwise. We never want to see your CV. We care about results. Nothing more, nothing less.

Start date: Today
Required qualifications: None
Required experience: None
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