Detailed Information

27.04.17, 17:30-19:00


GoGetDo lead a discussion on how technology is changing our relations and breaks barriers to strangers. They’ll be talking about a new trust framework emerging – fuelled by social, economic and technological forces that will profoundly change not just how we are trusted but who we trust.

Joining GoGetDo on stage will be Christian Scholz from Skyrocketman (

More about GoGetDo…

GoGetDo, get all your chores done today.

GoGetDo connects you with your neighbours to share and use your skills.

Start posting as a GoSetter to get your bed assembled, internet fixed, lunch delivered, couch moved, help with your taxes, or your basement cleaned once and for all. GoGetDo connects you to certified professionals and ordinary people who want to help, but they let you decide who is right for the job as GoGetDo think that the only person who should make that call is you.

We look forward seeing you there! No RSVP – just turn up. Beers and popcorn provided ☺

venue: Mindspace Berlin-Mitte, Friedrichstraße 68, Berlin 10117

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